Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Episode 3 - Steve and Dave Are Guests at the Marriage of Figaro

The dog has a collar, it's stolen
Eventually I will tire of these clever titles.  What?  You don't think they're clever?  What dd you pay for the podcast?  That's right, nothing, stop complaining.  OK, look, I've been working pretty hard lately and I'm a little punchy.

So we're at episode 3, which has some great stuff, including the 'first' appearance of Dick Whittman.

Draper? Nobody's lifted that rock, he could be Batman for all we know.  (There was talk a few years back of Jon Hamm playing Batman actually).

Hey it's a birthday party!  That kid knocked down a drink, well he's not my kid, but that's alcohol he knocked over, I'm going to hit him!

As usual, some really nice stuff from Steve on this one.  Including the obscenity trial about Lady Chatterly's Lover from 1959.

Steve also suggests a new drinking game.  Take a drink every time Pete says 'swell'.  We both like our liquor, I don't think we could drink that much.

Don stole that dog. 

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Friday, 18 September 2020

Episode 2 - Steve and Dave Visit the Ladies Room


Look, not really, I'm just being clever with the titles.

So we're on episode 2, and we see some new characters.  Or, we see characters speak, and see some new actors.

Hey, the actor playing Mona, Roger's wife, that's John Slattery's actual wife.  Also, she's Martin Balsam's daughter, which is cool.

The themes this week are social roles and structure, along with the mystery that is Don Draper. 

Oh, thanks for all of the kind words from people who have been listening.

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Friday, 11 September 2020

Episode 1 - Smoke Gets In Our Eyes

Hey, it's me and Steve and we're going to go on a trip through the 1960s with Don and Roger and Peggy and Joan and other people at Sterling Coo.

I (Dave) have watched Mad Men 15 times.  I'm about to finish up actually, I'm part way through season 7.  Steve HAS NEVER WATCHED THE SHOW.

I've wanted to watch the show with someone who has not seen it for a long time.  So, now I'm going to do that and, well, record it because that's my thing that I do.  Steve is an English prof, so he'll probably have like insights and stuff.  I'm but a mere psychology prof, but, hey, Dr. Guttman is in this episode, and Don makes fun of Freud, so we've got that going for us.

Remember, it's toasted.....

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BONUIS EPISODE - We Have the Technology - Episode 0

No this isn't about Mad Men. I did talk about Mad Men in the podcast though! This is from a new podcast I'm doing with my brother Da...