Friday, 24 June 2022

Episode 83 - In Care of Dave and Steve

Wow, we've done six seasons!

So much to unpack here.

This could have been a series finale.

Don does almost everything right, built it's still wrong.

Ted is a creep.

Stan is a pawn.

Peggy is I dunno....

Sally is annoying.

Both Sides Now is the perfect pop song.

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Friday, 17 June 2022

Episode 82 - Dave's Quality Shows Steve No Mercy

OK, so this was one of those 'I have no idea how to come up with a title' ones.

Ted and Peggy don't seem to be hiding their feelings any more.

Don is passive aggressive here, but he's right actually.

Don as a baby, lots.  Symbolic rebirth incoming?

Nice cultural references in this one, Rosemary's Baby is terrifying.

Porpoise Song!

Could Betty's car be any bigger?

Sally is off to Miss Porter's

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Friday, 10 June 2022

Episode 81 - Dave Does Steve a Favour

Yup, I'm using Canadian spelling of 'favour' even though the episode is entitled 'Favours'.  You got a problem with that?  Fine, complain to the management.

This one is full of uncomfortable scenes.

Don and Arnie in the bar is a good scene.  I like these guys.

Mitchell is a dumb kid, though you have to admire his idealism.

Don't do this Don.

Sally is off for a big trip!  According to Betty it's just an excuse to make out.

Ted asks Don to end the war.

Sylvia probably shouldn't have 'thanked' Don.

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Friday, 3 June 2022

Episode 80 - It Was the Best of Steves, It Was the Worst of Daves

See now THAT'S a clever title!  We start with Steve giving us a little lesson on the titular book.  

I love a California episode.

I hate seeing people think a kid will help their relationship (even in a hash inspired dream sequence).

Damn the music is good in this one.

Avon, groovy.

Ted is a decent guy who is not only obsessed with Peggy, he's got a thing for process and forms.

'It's a dry heave'.

Roger is hilarious and horrible.


Ginzo is coming unglued.

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BONUIS EPISODE - We Have the Technology - Episode 0

No this isn't about Mad Men. I did talk about Mad Men in the podcast though! This is from a new podcast I'm doing with my brother Da...